
Monday, December 6, 2010

Multitude Monday

It has been a long Monday preceded by a long weekend. I'm tired and a bit worn. Today has been a bit of a struggle. You know how it is when life is chaotic and busy and you finally have some chance to return to "normal" but don't know where to start and feel like you are losing control of it all. That was kind of like my day. I know some of you have been experiencing that more severely than me in recent days/months. Anyway, to try to feel like I was in control (haha) I wanted so desperately to get the house spotless. However, I have a houseful of little ones who NEED attention and structure and discipline and sympathy. It was a battle of will (well, and maybe the two year old's too) against my wishes. It was a long day, but God's love is long, his mercy is new, his grace is great, He is good. I'm thankful that He gently leads those with young (231). I'm thankful that He answers prayers for wisdom (232). I'm thankful that He makes all things new (233). I'm so thankful for the growing relationship He is giving me with Lucy. She really wanted to play with her tea set today. I really wanted to let her, but the table was full of supper dishes, the sink full of dirty dishes, and the dishwasher full of (thankfully) clean dishes  (234). Mayme was in the tub (cleaning up after another potty training accident) and Selah was wanting to be held. I explained to Lucy my dilemma and why she couldn't play with the tea set right then. She said, "Oh, well, I can unload the dishwasher for you Mom!" So, I let her. She helped me put all the dishes away (235). Maybe it is time to make this one of her regular chores. :-) (with Mommy's supervision of course) Anyway, the sink is empty (236), the counter is mostly cleared (237), the table is cleaned off from the messy tea party (238), the children are in bed (239), the room is still and quiet glowing with the lights from the Christmas tree (240). Lucy's long time longed for Nutcracker (which we found on sale at a store last week) is standing guard next to me. :-) And, though it was a long, trying day, my heart is filled with thankfulness...this is the song the Lord put in my heart today, even though I could only remember the first line :) it helped keep me on track (241). Thank you Lord! Oh yes, one more thing: Selah had her 4 month check-up today and she is a healthy baby! She jumped (in 2 months time) from 25th percentile in weight to the 90th percentile! She's a whopping 16 pounds and 8 ounces! It feels like it too. Is she going to take after Lucy? Thank you Lord for a healthy baby! (242)

My heart is filled with thankfulness
To Him who bore my pain;
Who plumbed the depths of my disgrace
And gave me life again;
Who crushed my curse of sinfulness
And clothed me in His light
And wrote His law of righteousness
With pow’r upon my heart.
My heart is filled with thankfulness
To Him who walks beside;
Who floods my weaknesses with strength
And causes fears to fly;
Whose ev’ry promise is enough
For ev’ry step I take,
Sustaining me with arms of love
And crowning me with grace.
My heart is filled with thankfulness
To him who reigns above,
Whose wisdom is my perfect peace,
Whose ev’ry thought is love.
For ev’ry day I have on earth
Is given by the King;
So I will give my life, my all,
To love and follow him.
My Heart Is Filled with Thankfulness
Words and Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Copyright © 2003 Thankyou Music

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Unknown said...

BIG 'OLE HUG!!! :) Look at all the training you are getting on the battlefield! :) Look at all the wonderful things you are learning or being taught! :)

Love ya!

Catie said...

I can relate to feeling out of control! I'm thankful, too, for God's grace!!!!!!!! Great post! :)