219. Christmas Trees twinkling softly ornamented with reminders of God's Good Gift to the world.
220. Old and New Traditions
221. a successful completion of our first homeschool term for the year.
222. opportunities to serve and minister to others even if they keep us dreadfully busy at times.
223. anticipation of the first snowfall.
224. the innocence of a child's thoughts
225. a husband who gently reminds me of how sweet it is to trust in Jesus.
226. Mom's Chex Mix and Wassail (hot apple cider)
227. Precious restful moments spent with family and friends
228. the joy of preparing and making a gift for someone
229. the time to work on those gifts (which I haven't had much of lately...but it will come)
230. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Hello friends! Well the week is here! It is Buzz in Bethlehem time! We're in full swing Buzz mode and schedule! I'm excited, but also feeling the stress and strain this brings on our family and schedule...and we haven't even gotten to rehearsals yet! :-) The truth is, it will probably get easier when we do get to rehearsals! Then I won't be able to get anxious about everything. I hope to find some time though to post a few things that we've been working on. I don't have pictures though...that is the part that usually holds me back. I always want to put pictures with my posts. So, hopefully in a couple days, I'll get those pictures taken (and loaded onto my computer!) and put a couple posts out. In the mean time, I trying to make the most of every moment with the kids and keep up with laundry, dishes and meals. I hope that you are all doing well. I pray that you also are preparing your hearts for Christmas (like I am trying to do) no matter what your schedule looks like. We don't have to miss the gift just because we are busy. It can still be treasured. God Bless You.
1 comment:
What a great list, Heather. :) Praying for you guys and the Buzz! :)
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