Here is what some of "my" finished work looks like- I put the costumes together and then wrap all their headpieces each night. |
Well, today was my second day of "work" on set for the Buzz in Bethlehem. I had four kids with me! A six year old eager to help with whatever we would let her do. She attached herself to some of the kind gentlemen working today. A four year old boy, who got to follow Daddy around. A two year old...who is potty training...who especially loved playing with the nails, screws, long sticks, drumsticks (we don't know where she found those), bathroom soap, bathroom, and saw dust! She kept us busy, but still, she was good. And a 4 month old! They did great! Then we had to hop in the van and head to Madison to run a last minute errand for Daddy who needed more fabric to complete some of the set. So, I ended up at JoAnn's Fabric Store with 4 kids. Thank goodness that Lucy is tall enough to push their carts! We had fun and again, they were great! God is faithful and His grace is amazing!
So, I have "my" (the) costumes all put together and ready to go...except for 3 capes which I need to put gromets in tomorrow morning. A couple things need to be ironed, but I'm ready to go otherwise.
Like I said yesterday, Tyson reminded me of how sweet it is to trust in Jesus. That was the hymn that we memorized this term for home school. I said to Tyson yesterday morning when we were both just feeling flustered and overwhelmed (well, me more than him), "How are we going to get this done!" Because we seemed to be short on time and hands. His answer was, "I don't know, but in the end we're going to be saying 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus'!" That statement of faith was just what I needed. It was so neat how God has worked through that reminder (and many prayers) to strengthen my faith and change my attitude. I'm so excited to finish the coming weeks of the Buzz with faith and joy! It is a time that I get to minister not only to all who come to see the show, but to the cast and crew too.
Well, I better get back to Selah...she is begging to be held and stared at after a long day of patiently and contently waiting on Mommy and siblings.
Thanks for all your prayers! keep them coming though because the enemy is hard at work.
God Bless You!