
Friday, August 20, 2010

A Good Little Read

All the Places to Love
by Patricia MacLachlan
paintings by Mike Wimmer

Looking for a good book to read to your little ones? This one is great. I could hardly read it without crying the first time. It is definitely Charlotte Mason approved! (That is the homeschooling method we are planning on using which I'm sure you'll hear more about in the future.) This book, which we stumbled upon, at the library (...and by stumbled upon, I mean Mayme pulled off the shelf along with a handful of others) is full of beautiful painting and gentle conversation that pulls your heart into the story of an American family and their love for and ties to the land they live on. Only someone who has spent hours loving and living in the nature around them could describe it so gently and beautifully and in such a way that makes it come alive to you. Anyway, it may have been the post pregnancy hormones, but this book is one that Lucy and I both fell in love with and wanted to share with you. Hope you can find it at your library too!

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