
Monday, September 19, 2011

Blogging again

...It's been so long since I've been able to post regularly on my blog. So much has been happening, that it seems there is hardly time to breathe at times. Now that fall is here, school is started, routines are forming, I hope to be able to slowly work some writing back into my schedule (of course there are still a few projects to finish first). The last couple weeks of my Colossians memory verses have urged "being thankful" three verses in a row, so let's start there:
Colossians 3:15-17
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
377. 17 days of only diapering one child. Though potty training progress is 100% complete, I rejoice in only having one child in diapers...instead of two.
378. A good start to our quest of home learning...we're starting our third week of the year and every week gets better and better
379. a precious new life to love
380. first hints of fall color splashing on the trees and grass
381. food sizzling in the pan
382. a summer goal accomplished: two children can now ride without training wheels!
383. kids begging you to read one page more (even out of "school" books)
384. the good lessons learned through hard trials
385. mirrors, to see ourselves, our reflections, no matter how clean we are, and especially when we are dirty so we know what needs to be cleaned
386. The Lords gentle cleaning hands
387. 101 uses of blankets and couch cushions
388. warm soup on rainy days
389. routines that bring peace and blessing
390. dates with my husband
391. yarn on needles
392. books on kindle
393. dresses on girls
394. boots on boys (and girls)
395. smiles on faces :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Today's the day!

Today is the day!

Today, Mayme is excited to throw away all her diapers and wear big girl underwear! I'm going to take the next three days and spend a lot of focused time with her to work on potty training. It is time. She is ready! So, pray for us!  :)  I'm going to turn off my computer and phone and get rid of distractions, to help ensure our success. We are all excited and ready...and a little nervous. This is such a good thing though and it is definitely time. Still, please pray for us. :)  This is our third attempt. The other times, I know part of the reason for failure was our fault. This time I'm gleaning from the wisdom in this potty training method

I didn't want to JUST post something about potty training though. So, as a blessing to you, head on over to Ann Voskamp's blog, "A Holy Experience", and check this out. I love this so much that I printed out the printable version and laminated it! Hope you enjoy it and are blessed by it too!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Talk to you soon!