Lucy, age 4, sharing her thoughts with someone :) |
Some of you may wonder why I share so many details of my life, especially the hard ones that we often want to hide from the sight of those around us. Let me share my reason why with you. :-)
I always try to be open and honest with others, especially about my own shortcomings and struggles, my sins. James 5:16 tells us to "confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another that you may be healed." I don't feel like this is a legalistic commandment for us. However, I have found that the time when I have confessed sins and struggles of mine to Tyson or a trusted friend, I find tremendous freedom and healing take place in my heart. It
is not because at that point of confession to another person my sins are forgiven, for the Bible tells us that Jesus' blood alone has the power to cleanse us and forgive us of our sins, and that we can be assured that when we confess our sins to Him and ask for His forgiveness, He will forgive us as far as the east is from the west. Perhaps it is the act of humbling myself, admitting that I am not perfect and allowing another person to pray for me and help me in my weakness that brings such release and freedom. Whatever it is, sharing in this way brings healing to my heart.
I've also seen how much another person can be encouraged by hearing about my struggles. Let's face it, we all struggle! Sometimes, however, we feel like we must be the only person on the world going through a particular struggle. All my years in
MOPS listening to and working with other Mothers of Preschoolers, has taught me that none of us is alone. I'm amazed at how many moms/women feel like they are the only one who are struggling with an issue, when in reality
there is always some other family/mother/woman who will or has struggled with that
same issue at some point in their lives. I LOVE being able to encourage another person by sharing my struggles and shortcomings and sins!! That's all there is to it. I know it encourages me to hear from others that are facing struggles like mine. In the same way, I hope to be an encouragement to as many around me as possible, even if it means I have to share a side of my life that normally we would lock up in a closet in fragile hope that even the Lord wouldn't see it. He does see and know all things. Yet, He loves us and wants desperately for us to turn to him for help and forgiveness, for comfort and strength, for abundant life and satisfaction, for peace and healing.
I hope that I never sacrifice discretion for myself or my family in my sharing, but I hope that my honesty and (hopefully) humility will be an encouragement to you in your times of joy and your times of sorrow and weakness.
God Bless You friend.